We think that adultery is the reason for drift in marriages but what about the marriage problems which people face. At times the situation and consequences can make things worse. An extramarital affair is a relationship outside the marriage that happens between the married person and with another person who is not their spouse. This kind of relationship occurs a due lot of reason. Sex is overrated in the whole world. People do not understand the meaning of sex, they just take it as a pleasure-giving activity which can be done with their partner. We are still lacking the exact information about sex because we feel shy to talk about it. It is like having sex with other than your spouse is happening nowadays more commonly because of dissatisfaction from their partner. This is the most genuine reason for adultery.
Read this Insider article to know signs that your partner isn’t happy anymore
Even Sex word is taboo in most of the parts of the world. People feel embarrassed while talking about it. When we are talking about sex in India, it is most unexplored yet it is the most popular word. People don’t want to talk about it in public, they feel ashamed or any kind of inferiority complex they are facing while talking about it. The word sex is that word which brings a smile on anybody’s face but shuts the persons’ mouth straight.
While connecting marriage with sex, we got to know that marriage is not concerned with sex or any kind of physical activity it is about sharing things. It is about friendship, seasonal love and the pure bond which results in sharing hardships, thoughts, actions for future, love, affection and even anger makes the relationship last longer. Everything that happens with us in our life is meant to be shared with our partner if we are living together for our happiness.
According to a worldwide survey, the reason behind adultery is infidelity. Infidelity occurs due to unsatisfied sexual needs as well as because of people who do not impulse their fantasy to their spouse but tries to find it outside of marriage.
What is extramarital affair or adultery?
The physical, emotional and mental relationship which exist outside of marriage with another person who is not your spouse is called an extramarital affair. When you start feeling attracted or attached to any other person physically or emotionally being in a married relationship, then it is the beginning of the extramarital affair. Then spending time with that person can lead you towards having an affair with the person. Affair arises due to the various reason which is lesser-known facts for us. The reasons why adultery takes place is more important for us, maybe while knowing these facts we may reach to a conclusion that “Is sex is the main reason for adultery?”.
As far as psychology is concerned while committing adultery, the pursuit of adultery is to gain confidence and satisfaction to desires. The urge to fulfill fantasy is an explicit cause of infidelity. The lack of commitment and when people base their relationship on feelings, feelings fickle after some time, they flow, they’re changing and they have seasons. To the people who are prone to adultery, make their relationship based on feelings so when they hit the struggle in marital life and experiences any kind of roadblocks they want to fly away or it seems like they’re searching for some kind of boost or boil up their feeling for themselves outside of the relationship.
When the base of any relationship is the feel, it means there is no commitment for that bond. It is about how people make them feel, if the feeling doesn’t seem right, then the person is prone to adultery.
Adultery and desire
Someone desires to drive a Lamborghini car, one of the sexiest car in the world, someone desires to explore Paris. Desires have no limit to cover, it can get stuck to anything that people find attractive. Desire is boundless, it is a strong feeling or wishes for something to happen for which we aspire. Sometimes extreme desire in a relationship can destroy the fidelity of bond. When a married person desire for some kind of activity which can’t be fulfilled by their partner can be disastrous. These desires can exist for any type of sexual activity or physical movement which a person’s spouse cannot provide them due to lack of interest towards the same activity or can be any reason. This can deviate their partner. So the person whose desires are not accomplished can be a reason of adultery.
Adultery and lack of emotional support
Emotional support is the key to handle any relationship, whether it is about husband and wife or father-daughter relationship. We, humans, love any help as well as a supportive person in our life along with this we prefer this type of person who accepts us as we are. Your spouse will not willingly do this, but in case the kind of support you are supposed to have is not getting it from your spouse. You may eventually fall for any person who will support you. This can be a reason of adultery.
Adultery and experimenting
Usually in normal marriages after living with a spouse for some duration, people get used to that person and get bored easily. Then people feel the urge of trying new things to fetch pleasure. If they feel that their partner isn’t cooperating with them to fulfill glee, from there onwards person, gets deviated. Experimenting with new kinds of stuff is cool in recent time, trying a new form of sexual activity is common and is one example of experimenting. When one spouse did not get gratification from sexual glances of others, it may lead to argument or fight. It will make the situation worse.
When the person is building up their fantasy mind so they start to think about somebody else and what it thinks about seems to be a solution of pain or discomfort they’re feeling in their married relationship. The new potential relationship seems to a buzz for experimenting new stuff with a new partner. Speaking of which, you should try these experimental sex tips from Cosmopolitan.
Adultery to fulfill the lust
Sometimes lust is a look which makes you think the person as an object. When you don’t look at a person as a personality and soul, then lust finds a way to travel inside you. Instead, you will find sexual pleasure from the glance. This pleasure of lust will not let you feel guilty and will make easier to do it again. The lust will find a new way to live longer which will let you do adultery and it will surely break the marriage.
The repercussion of adultery can be worst or can be best, this will solely depend upon the situation and its effect on the individuals. If one of the spouses is facing issues which are creating a rift between you both, he/she is not able to fill the dent with their dedication, love, and affection in a relationship. Then, maybe adultery can be a good solution. It is not for all, maybe someday the sense to do things can change a little and it may resolve the problem. If the relationship is going to give one more chance, then the partner should admit the guilty and regretful.
How does the feel once they are into adultery?
Most often, participants felt the blend of positive and negative emotions. On the context of fulfilling sexual desires, participants tend to be satisfied with their results. They become more lively and energized in their life. The unsatisfied people were disappointed due to the activities of their new partner. They were feeling more shameful and guilty because as per their thought things don’t appear so sound and smooth.
If there is no love in your heart you are anyway an adultress for convenience and comfort. Without love in your heart if you are given yourself to any aspect of life to whether a man or woman, you are doing adultery. For every action you perform there are the consequence, most of the people don’t want to face consequences they want to enjoy everything. Anybody who is not willing to accept the consequence joyfully that comes to them is a fool. A fool is somebody who is against himself in so many ways. With your actions, if you are turning yourself against yourself is due to the reason that you are doing things senselessly. You are doing things without your choice simply because you are given in certain aspect to your body or your emotion or something, then it is not okay to bring suffering to yourself. If people will keep their action sensible for themselves then there will not exist any kind of problem.
In most cases, sex is the reason for adultery but in some cases, people want attention towards themselves which they are not able to get from their partner also results in adultery. The emotional subsistence and love are also some of the reason for extramarital affairs. Adultery is not worthwhile.