Have you ever been at that point in your life where you’re guilty of not feeling guilty about something? You just do something that you know is wrong in so many ways and yet you are not regretting it, neither do you feel guilty about it. In fact, you derive pleasure from it. You’re happy, you can’t stop thinking about it, and somewhere at the end, you wish for it to happen again. Why? That damn pleasure! The pleasure of satisfaction!
Well, something of such sort just happened to me. I know that I should he guilty about it or regret it. But I just don’t. I can’t forget how intense and how satisfactory that moment was. I can’t get it off my mind. I can’t stop thinking about how happy I was. How satisfied I was with the moment and him.
I’m married from past 3 years and the fun fact is that the moment I just talked about doesn’t involve my husband. Yes, it wasn’t him but somebody very close to him. Somebody who was around for years but never seemed to be the same way he did that day. Somebody, who knows my husband better than me, maybe enough to know, how his wife wasn’t happy. Enough to know that his wife was seeking pleasure. Enough to actually do it himself. Yes, it was none other than my husband’s best friend who shook my world that day with the moves and consistency I was dying for a long time.
It all started with the day when I was awaited at the dinner by my husband because he couldn’t get off soon from his office. And this wasn’t really the first time he did it. It happened often turning us into fights and distress that would never end. Emotionally, I have broken already. Maybe it wasn’t just his fault but my expectations with this marriage were way too high. It was all good when we were dating and having sex that rocked my world every time. But as soon as the commission came in and I ended up proposing him, everything changed.
His priorities, his interests, his schedule, and his skills in bed. Just soon enough, I was feeling unsatisfied and somebody who hasn’t had a good time in a very long phase. But, just like any wife who loves her husband would do, I thought of giving it another chance. It was our wedding anniversary and the day we met as well. What better way than that to make things better? I got all ready with flowers and fragrance all around the home and candles lit in our room. That sexy black lingerie I had my eyes upon since a long time, finally got ordered. I left him a message saying “come home soon and have a night you’re never gonna forget”. Well, the text was sent, seen but not replied. I thought he might be busy but will come back home soon. I was definitely wrong with what I thought. He stood me up all night and got back home at 11 pm all tired. Just saying “I’m very tired” he went off to sleep.
There it was, my anniversary all spoiled and my hopes for making things better all shattered into pieces. I had the food I made for him and went to sleep in the “guestroom”. Remember how I said that things started this day? That is because just after this day I slept with a mind-set that my marriage is over, and I’m no longer looking for any false hopes. Just the next morning, my husband woke up, asking for breakfast as usual. I ignored when he was calling my name. I pushed my face into the pillow and tried not to hear his voice. He came to the room and asked me why I’m asleep here and not in the main bedroom. I asked him the day of our wedding anniversary and all I got as an answer was a sorry face with no words uttered. But wait, I did send him the message that he saw, then how come he didn’t remember the anniversary. I asked him the same and he had that numb face like he had no idea what message I was talking about. I was confused but ignored thinking that he might just have forgotten about the message because of the work.
Things between us then were pretty bad. We were not even sleeping in the same bed and what was hurting me was that he wasn’t even trying. Days passed, and I had made up my mind about getting a divorce but planned to tell him after I’ve got the papers and everything ready. I went to my lawyer, talked to him and got to learn a shocking fact that my husband got the divorce papers ready already. I was feeling betrayed and hurt. I wanted to know, what reasons he has for the divorce. So, I ended up in his office during the lunchtime.
As soon as I reached the office, I was told by one of my husband’s colleagues that he never stays in the office for lunch. I was doubtful and thought that he might be having an affair with another woman. Then something struck me and that was the message that I sent him on the day of our anniversary. I sent it at lunchtime which someone saw, but not him. I was standing all shocked and shattered just when my husband calls my name. He entered with his best friend into the office who worked at the same place as well. He told me that they both went to the tea stall just outside the office to smoke some cigarettes and had lunch their only. I was convinced. But the reason for divorce was yet to be asked.
My husband was called by his superior and there I was left with him alone, the best friend. Me and his best friend knew each other since college times when we all were Friends but couldn’t stay the same as soon as I started dating. He looked at me with a big smile on his face and I tried to do it as well. But, failed miserably. He asked me if I had food and I said no. He asked me out for lunch. We went to the cafe we all used to go together back in college. He asked me what was wrong between me and my husband. Maybe I was so much hurt or I didn’t have anybody to talk to that I fessed up all my pain and sorrow in front of him. He came and held me into his arms and consoled me. He offered to take me home. Just when we reached, he was about to leave. I stopped him.
I held his hand and made him sit beside me. I asked him why my husband was planning to divorce me and all he had to say was that he’s changed. He’s not the same anymore. I started crying when he again held me in his arms, this time I felt warm and safe. After a long time, I was being held by somebody like that. It was an intense moment, and I kissed him. That didn’t end there. He kissed me back. The way he was pressing his body against me, the way he was touching me was amazing. So, amazing that I felt like grabbing him and throwing him into the bed just then. But guess what, I didn’t have to do it. He did it by himself.
After a long time, I was having the time of my life. I was having the sex that I desired. The moment that had me so stuck that I wanted it to happen again and again. It was great- he said after we were all dressed up. I wasn’t crying anymore. I was just pressing my thighs against each other to control what I was feeling sexy and said- I don’t know if it’s right or wrong but I don’t regret what just happened. Because I had something that I was being mad for. He held my hand, smiled and left.
I didn’t know what that smile meant. I didn’t know why he let it happen. I didn’t know what was awaiting next. But I definitely knew that I just had sex that I’m never going to forget.
But, just after I had a nap and woke up, I realized that the relationship I’m dragging since such a long time made no sense now. I called my husband to know where he was so that we could talk. One of his staff members attended the call and told me that he and his best friend were not at the office and he forgot his phone there. It was past the timings of the office so I thought that they might be at his best friend’s home and decided to end things with both of them together. I reached my best friend’s home. What I saw next was unbelievable. I saw both of them in the same bed. Turned out that my husband discovered his homosexuality after getting married and his best friend as we all knew was always bisexual.
I grinned at the fact that my husband didn’t know that the love of his life slept with both of us on the same day. I didn’t even want to talk about it anymore so I decided to leave with no regret for anything that happened because at the end of the day it was just too amazing.